[gallery] Obey Christmas trees! #obey#shepardfairey #pasteup #wheatpaste #street #streetart #famous #american #americangraffiti #usa #graffiti #obeygiant #hacnkeystreetart. #hackney #urban #outsiders #art #artist...

[gallery] A nice piece of C215. Usual slick portraiture from the Frenchman. #frenchart #paris #parisian #parisart #streetart #graff #graffiti #shoreditch #nuart #newart #street #outsiders #outsiderart...

[gallery] Tant and Unga of Broken Fingaz. Working on an old jack the rippers pup near the city. #art #artist #shoreditch #london #urban #urbanart #outsiders #outsiderart #graffiti #great #unique #new #newart #nuart #isreal...

[gallery] Somebody made a right mess of the #Shepard s face. Sign of the times???. #shoreditch #shepard #fairey #london #artist #streetart #talent #outsiders #nuart #art #shepardfairey #urban #urbanart #graffiti...

[gallery] @_inkfinger Seeing as hackney is getting so full off #graffiti I popped over to the Caribbean to see what they have been doing. #graffiti #urban #urbanart #outsiders #outsiderart #street #art #streetart #brilliant....

[gallery] EMA over pure evil on hackney road. Seems to be a lot of art over art going on at the moment, as working space is getting less and less round hackney. #Ema #hackney #pasteup #london #outsiders #outsiderart #urban #urbanart #nuart #new #newart #streetart #graffiti...

[gallery] EMA over pure evil on hackney road. Seems to be a lot of art over art going on at the moment, as working space is getting less and less round hackney. #Ema #hackney #pasteup #london #outsiders #outsiderart #urban #urbanart #nuart #new #newart #streetart #graffiti...

[gallery] Nice little piece paul insect gave me. It is a small version of one of his prints for his show in #LA #paulinsect #pins #street #streetart #nuart #newart #outsiders #graffiti #outsiderart #urban #urbanart...

[gallery] This is a section of #graffiti over #swoon in #hackney road in #shoreditch #london a great bit of #urban #urbanart #outsiderart #outsiders more of this later. #street #streetart @strychninberlin...

[gallery] #roa #hackney #shoreditch #streetart #street #stunning #graffiti #urban #urbanart #outsiders #outsiderart #london #art #artist So the endangered species, the Roa Hare, is going to live a bit longer. Saved by hackney council. For now. A few more would help its survival....